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Psychic Mediumship readings
Know you are one magnificent thread in the tapestry of life! Trust the road that beckons you to walk it.
When you stop and have a quiet moment, is it to reflect in the meaning or meaningless of your life.
Inspire someone today to never give up on their dreams or goals! Be the one with a kind word, a
Set your internal start button today! It's all your's to allow the magic of great things to appear and it's
Today: Remember that God never brings anything to an end without there being something better to come! Sometimes, a necessary
  Many blessings of love and peace wished your way!
Look at forgiveness as a "Thank You" no matter the trauma and or emotional pain and or losses that you
May your day see and feel so much love!
TODAY: Change is our natural state! Seeds must be buried in the darkness before they can bloom into the light!
TODAY, look around yourself for miracles. What ever the day brings, stop for just a tiny moment in time and